The “Avoider” – the Saboteur That Makes You Procrastinate

The Avoider avoids difficult and unpleasant tasks and conflicts. I tells you to focus on the positive and pleasant things – but in an extreme way.

  • Individuals with the Avoider . . .
  • Avoid conflict and say “yes” to things one would not normally want
  • Downplay the importance of real problems and deflect others
  • They have difficulty saying, “No”
  • They have a tendency to resist others and use passive aggressive means rather than act directly

Taryn Laasko is a Professional Certified Coach and a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach.

In her own words . . .

I believe deeply in the power of coaching, and have seen its immense positive impacts in my own personal and professional life. I have taken this journey myself and have conquered numerous personal obstacles with courage and determination along with a fierce passion for overcoming negative self-talk. I believe that I am uniquely suited as your guide and I am thrilled to share proven methods for intercepting and upgrading your mental operating system. I believe everyone deserves to have a life that is calm, flowing with ease, and grounded in deep inner confidence.

As a recovering Hyper-Achiever, I know the challenges faced with keeping up appearances of perfectionism when faced with negative self-talk like “I’m not good enough and “I’m not doing enough”. It’s exhausting and creates a disconnection with your emotions and others in your life. I will help you find your gifts and strengths as a High-Achieving professional while also creating compassion and empathy for yourself and others. You’ll quiet down the negative inner critic talk and judgment of others that cause most of the conflict and unease in your life. I’ll empower you with a deep belief in yourself that is rooted in self-confidence and offer a new perspective when faced with difficult challenges.

You can listen to Taryn and Charlie talk about the Avoider by clicking HERE.

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