The “Production” Skill

The “Production” skill is often referred to as “making it happen.”

Simply put, it is the ability to convert an idea into reality . . . to convert a concept or idea into a product.

A simple example is a group of high school freshmen having an idea about a float for the homecoming parade – and then creating the float and using it successfully. A more complicated example is the challenge of getting Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait . . . and then, through some massive efforts over time, actually accomplishing that complex task.

The “Production” skill most often involves converting ideas into reality through leadership of other people. Accordingly, the “Leadership” skill, while not one of the “Critical Skills,” is a subset of the “Production” skill. Leadership is often defined as the “art of accomplishing tasks through people.” It’s “production” – pure and simple.

Great ideas often reside in the heads of smart people. The ones who have the “Production” skill can actually turn those ideas into reality.

Here’s a tip: GET GOOD AT THE PRODUCTION SKILL! It will serve you well in your career as well as your life.

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