Saving our Constitutional Republic – A Review of Federalist Paper #6

In Federalist Paper #6, Concerning Dangers from Dissensions Between the States, Alexander Hamilton focuses on the argument that a national government will prevent conflict between otherwise sovereign states, or, in his words, easing “the dangers which in all probability flow from the dissensions between the states themselves, and from domestic factions and convulsions.”

Hamilton believed that if the states remained joined in a mere “partial” confederacy, they would inevitably have “frequent and violent contests with each other.” He cites historical evidence of European wars between sovereign countries.

Hamilton did not believe that congruent commercial interests between independent states would prevent conflict between the states.

In the summary and analysis of this essay, the authors point out the difference between Hamilton’s approach and that of James Madison. Hamilton was a brilliant publicist – very practical; Madison was a scholar.

Go to the GrAdeSaver Summary of Federalist #6

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